San Francisco
Love Fest
"In this time of economic and political turmoil, a celebration of love, peace, justice, and tolerance is just what our country needs," said Dr. Syd Gris, board member. "We do not dance in the streets to escape the reality of our times - we dance to face them as a community, pointing the direction to a better way, set to beats and the full color of our expression. We gather to inspire and motivate social action by us, the youth, the people who will inherit this mess and have to do something about it to turn the tide."
More than 100,000 Attendees to Celebrate Music, Love, Diversity, Tolerance, Peace and Community When Americans Need it Most
San Francisco LoveFest: A Dance Music Parade and Festival
A parade começou com o desfile dos carros alegoricos numa das principais avenidas de SF até ao Civic Center, uma praça onde está o city hall que ficou transformada numa autentica pista de dança com mais de 100.000 pessoas. O Love Fest começou ás 11h e acabou ás 22h mas festa continuou com after parties nos principais clubs de SF.
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